Do I need a password to access the CARA website?
NO. The only reason you were provided a password was to open the Member Directory Page that contains the names and addresses of the owners in CARA. This is to protect our members from unwanted solicitation. This password will change from time to time. When it does you will be sent an email containing the new password.

I lost the password for the Member Directory Page. What do I do?
Just send an email to webmaster@camelotacres.org and the password will be sent to you. Be patient, the password will be sent the next time the webmaster reads his email.

I noticed that some people have their pictures included in their listing on the Member Directory Page. Is it possible for me to do that as well?
Absolutely! Just send a picture to webmaster@camelotacres.org and we will put it in for you.

Why am I not receiving emails from CARA?
There can be a number of reasons for this. We may not have your email, or your “correct” email on file. Please check the Member Directory that lists the names and addresses of all CARA owners and make sure we have the proper email. If not, please send an email to webmaster@camelotacres.org with your proper email(s).
Also, either your ISP and/or your email client may be blocking our group emails and sending them to a spam or junk folder. Or worse, they may be deleting them all together.  The easiest way to solve this issue is to do an online search of both your ISP and the email client you are using. For instance, if Breezeline is your ISP, go to their website and search for how to setup my email. This will bring up a help section. You can also call technical support. Since some people use an email client such as Outlook to view their emails, you will also have to tell your client to let our emails get through. You can usually do this by setting up a “whitelist”. Be sure to add the domain camelotacres.org to your whitelist.

I’m new to the association. Who do I need to contact for the information that I will need? 
On the website, under the “Lists” menu, you will find “Important Contacts“. These are the people you will need to contact when you first move into CARA.

I live in Camelot Acres but I do not use the beach or any of the association amenities. Do I still have to pay association fees?
Yes.  Each lot in Camelot Acres is responsible for paying association dues and/or special assessments that may be required periodically.  These dues cover the costs associated with maintaining, improving and protecting the beach and parking lot, along with enhancing the community spirit of CARA, and are indifferent to use by each member.  Amenity costs are burdened to the users of the amenities.

I notice that there is a mooring/dock that is not being used. Can I put my boat on it?
NO! All Amenities (Moorings, Docks, Lockers, Small Boat Racks, etc.) are assigned by their respective managers and all have a wait list.
As for Docks and slips, from time to time a dock or mooring will be unused by its assigned user for one reason or another. i.e. Their boat is in for service. The Dock Manager can assign temporary usage from a list of people who have signed up for temporary usage. Be sure to use this form to be placed on the list.

I contacted the Dock Manager (or other manager) but my name isn’t showing up on the waiting list. 
Our website contains all the official documents for the association. However, the “lists” are updated one or two times a year by the managers. Remember, our managers are volunteers and spend countless hours as it is keeping lists up to date. Please be patient and rest assured that your name will be in the proper position, based on when you contacted the manager.

My information in the Member Directory is out of date or just plain wrong. How do I get this fixed?
Send and email to webmaster@camelotacres.org and we will update your information.

Does CARA have Association meetings so I can find out what is happening? 
Yes. There are currently two meetings annually. The first meeting of the year is on Memorial Day weekend. The second is our Annual Meeting per our Bylaws which takes place on the weekend prior to Labor Day weekend. Notice of these two meetings, which include the time and place are sent out approximately two weeks prior, via email, to the email address we have on file for you.

Where else can I get information?
On this website is all the official information for the association. Also, there are notices placed on the welcome page.  Additionally, you can visit our Facebook page – Camelot Acres Residents Association. This is a secret group so you will need to request to be admitted.

Is there an APP or, can I place a link to the website on my phone?
We do not have an app, but our website is totally “responsive” for computer screens, tablets and phones. You simply have to add a link icon onto your home page and once you do this, you’ll only need to tap it to open the website. To add a website to your Android home screen,  open Chrome and go to the website. Open the three-dot menu at the top and select Add to Home Screen. Confirm and it will appear on-screen. On an iPhone, open Safari and go to the website. Tap the share menu and select Add to Home Screen. Confirm, and it will appear on-screen. 

Can I pay my dues and fees online?
As of right now, no. However, we are working on changing that. Stay tuned.